Contains:  Solar system body or event
May 7, 2024 Sunspot AR3664 - The Open Wound, Hamza Ilyas @Muslimastronomer
May 7, 2024 Sunspot AR3664 - The Open Wound, Hamza Ilyas @Muslimastronomer

May 7, 2024 Sunspot AR3664 - The Open Wound

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging
May 7, 2024 Sunspot AR3664 - The Open Wound, Hamza Ilyas @Muslimastronomer
May 7, 2024 Sunspot AR3664 - The Open Wound, Hamza Ilyas @Muslimastronomer

May 7, 2024 Sunspot AR3664 - The Open Wound

Acquisition type: Lucky imaging



Acquisition details



Although I initially set up my rig with the intention of complete a timelapse of the now famous active region AR3664, sadly, intermittent clouds rolled in and I was forced to cut the session short. Luckily, I managed to not only have pretty decent seeing that day, but I was able to get several videos of the sunspot just a few days before it began releasing powerful CMEs.

This last image was the best of the 7 30 sec videos taken that day. I processed this one in two versions - uninverted and inverted as I generally prefer uninverted images, especially for sunspots or close up on the chromosphreric surface, though when proms or filaments are included, inverted can be more appealing. 

I've also processed the uninverted shot in a deeper red - this is closer to what I envision the actual hydrogen appearance would be. Hope you enjoy.
